Course Detail


Course Information

  • Course Price $5950
  • Location Dubai Courses
  • Course Code ESD
  • Course Date 15 Apr - 19 Apr 2024

Course Objective
In the 21st Century global economy, the prosperity of both individuals and nations will depend up on the ability to innovate in all kinds of economic activity. Entrepreneurial skills will be vital to achieve successful innovation. There is a fundamental difference between invention (i.e. the identification of new ways of doing things) and innovation (i.e. the successful operationalizing and monetization of those new ways). This training course will provide the basis for individuals to identity and evaluate opportunities and, most importantly to follow them through into fulfilment and successful businesses.

Who Should Attend?
CEOs looking for new opportunity “Intrapreneurs”, leaders who understand the need for a future vision and Start-up enthusiasts, Senior managers in strategic business planning roles.

Prerequisite Courses

Course Overview
Why this Matters Now and for this Century; Where are the Opportunities?

  • Why this topic matters – historical context and the next 50 years

  • The importance of the entrepreneurial “mindset”

  • The importance of the technology “envelope”

  • Identifying and Evaluating the Opportunity (Portfolio Analysis)
  • Critical “hurdle” rates for entrepreneurs and investors

  • Creating the “pitch” for funding

  • Scaling the opportunity

  • Planning the Delivery - Fishbone
  • How can the service or product be produced most effectively?

  • Getting the resources – money, people, materials

  • Producing the business plan – the “Fishbone” approach

  • Target setting and defining milestones

  • Making the plan a reality

  • Acting as a “Business Angel” - Evaluating a Case Study
  • What are investors looking for?

  • How do “angels” evaluate opportunities?

  • What is the ecosystem for business innovation?

  • D Pulling it together – the Five Whys
  • Why is the opportunity there?

  • Why do you think you can exploit it?

  • Learning Goal
  • Be alert to opportunities in their domain

  • Assemble the data to evaluate the opportunity

  • Gain support from the necessary stakeholders through effective selling of ideas

  • Organize the delivery mechanism

  • Maintain focus on delivering the vision and growing the business